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Tragedy on the Chess Board

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 7:24 pm
by Alan Ruffle
I do not know, and I have never met IM Clarence Psaila.
Clarence lives on Malta and is a big fish in a small pond. He first took chess seriously as a nineteen-year-old.
Self-taught he rose to represent Malta in International tournaments. He is a prominent member of the Organizing committee of the Malta International tournament.
Tragedy on the chess board is clearly written with coaching asides. The cover is an eye-catching black chess king engulfed in flames on a black background, it demands a second look.
Tragedy on the chess board is about the pain he suffers when he made errors on the chess board resulting in a lost game. Or the joy of winning when his opponent reciprocated. Time trouble is a regular occurrence.
Clarence is extremely hard on himself.
I found game 18 a painful experience.
I suggest that players rated up to two thousand would enjoy and benefit from reading this book.
Alan Ruffle