Book-The Chess Scene

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Kevin Thurlow
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Re: Book-The Chess Scene

Post by Kevin Thurlow » Sun Nov 24, 2019 12:25 pm

Of course, but I guess in practice most people pick up the queen (usually), put it on the 8th, and pick up the pawn as they do so. You might pick up the pawn, any piece you are capturing and dump them by the side of the board, and then put the queen down (using the same hand of course).

I think of it as like an American football "touchdown", where you don't actually do what it says, unlike the rugby "try", where you do touch it down!

Geoff Chandler
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Re: Book-The Chess Scene

Post by Geoff Chandler » Sun Nov 24, 2019 2:10 pm

Hi Jacques,

Unless they (the people who tamper with things to justify their existence) have changed the rules again
you do not put a pawn on the 8th. You put on the 8th square the piece you are promoting too the move is
not complete till the promoted is placed on the board and the hand removed.

(actually I'm wrong. It is a technical point. the rule said: '1. the pawn does not have to be placed on the square of arrival,')

If you put an upside down Rook on the board instead of a Queen....Your opponent can claim it is a Rook.


Jacques Parry
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Re: Book-The Chess Scene

Post by Jacques Parry » Sun Nov 24, 2019 8:50 pm

Yes, the Laws now permit the method you propose. Did they ever say it was mandatory? As I recall, it is the method demonstrated by Tony in his video that used to be mandatory.

Geoff Chandler
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Re: Book-The Chess Scene

Post by Geoff Chandler » Sun Nov 24, 2019 10:57 pm

Hi Jaques,

I'm sure I read somewhere...possibly here. That you must not put the pawn on the 8th.
(rarely do endings, trying to recall the last time I promoted a pawn OTB...actually I can't.)

Nearly had one 3 years ago G.C V D.Russell, Edin League 2016

Here I wanted Black to play 19...dxc3

But Black played 19....Rxg6. (i won with 20.Rxf6)

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Alan Ruffle
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Re: Book-The Chess Scene

Post by Alan Ruffle » Tue Jun 09, 2020 11:25 am

Regarding juniors - the last word!

A first school. Student: 8 years old - a middle order player in the School chess club.

Student: Excuse me Mr Ruffle!
Mr Ruffle: Yes, can I help you?
Student: Can I play you?
Mr Ruffle: Well I'd like to, but I need to look after the rest of the class.
Student: Mr Ruffle, you know you said you could teach us to play chess in seven and a half minutes?
Mr Ruffle: Yes, I said that. I was emphasising that the game is really very simple and that I could teach you how to move the pieces in that time. What makes the game become harder and more interesting, is the fact that the player on the other side of the board is trying to stop you having everything your own way. They will try to prevent you making the moves you want to make. The more closely matched you are with your opponent, the harder, the more competitive and more enjoyable the game becomes.
Student: Then, if we are like you, we could spend the next sixty years reading books, watching chess on TV, learning from videos, playing chess on the internet or playing live games in the form of matches or tournaments. We could become good players.
Mr Ruffle: Yes, I said that.
Student: You said you were a middle order county player!
Mr Ruffle: Yes, I said that.
Student: Well we've been talking amongst ourselves. You know, us kids?
Mr Ruffle: Yes, I'm pleased to hear that.
Student: Well, we don't think you're that good!

Page 76……………….Coach in the classroom
The Chess Scene.
£14.99 + P & P from amazon, or a signed copy from me via PayPal

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Re: Book-The Chess Scene

Post by LawrenceCooper » Tue Jun 09, 2020 12:01 pm

Alan Ruffle wrote:
Tue Jun 09, 2020 11:25 am
Regarding juniors - the last word!

A first school. Student: 8 years old - a middle order player in the School chess club.

Student: Excuse me Mr Ruffle!
Mr Ruffle: Yes, can I help you?
Student: Can I play you?
Mr Ruffle: Well I'd like to, but I need to look after the rest of the class.
Student: Mr Ruffle, you know you said you could teach us to play chess in seven and a half minutes?
Mr Ruffle: Yes, I said that. I was emphasising that the game is really very simple and that I could teach you how to move the pieces in that time. What makes the game become harder and more interesting, is the fact that the player on the other side of the board is trying to stop you having everything your own way. They will try to prevent you making the moves you want to make. The more closely matched you are with your opponent, the harder, the more competitive and more enjoyable the game becomes.
Student: Then, if we are like you, we could spend the next sixty years reading books, watching chess on TV, learning from videos, playing chess on the internet or playing live games in the form of matches or tournaments. We could become good players.
Mr Ruffle: Yes, I said that.
Student: You said you were a middle order county player!
Mr Ruffle: Yes, I said that.
Student: Well we've been talking amongst ourselves. You know, us kids?
Mr Ruffle: Yes, I'm pleased to hear that.
Student: Well, we don't think you're that good!

Page 76……………….Coach in the classroom
The Chess Scene.
£14.99 + P & P from amazon, or a signed copy from me via PayPal
At the Crewe rapidplay prize giving a couple of years ago someone I didn't know approached me and commented "When I saw you were an IM I thought yo'u'd be really good"

Kevin Thurlow
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Re: Book-The Chess Scene

Post by Kevin Thurlow » Tue Jun 09, 2020 4:17 pm

"At the Crewe rapidplay prize giving a couple of years ago someone I didn't know approached me and commented "When I saw you were an IM I thought yo'u'd be really good""

Wow - how on earth do you answer that?

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Re: Book-The Chess Scene

Post by JustinHorton » Tue Jun 09, 2020 4:25 pm

Ah, this reminds me of the story in Eamon Dunphy's classic Only A Game? in which a footballer gets approached by a fan at an engagement and the fan asks him something like "whatever happened to you?"·
"Do you play chess?"
"Yes, but I prefer a game with a better chance of cheating."

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Alan Ruffle
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Re: Book-The Chess Scene

Post by Alan Ruffle » Mon Oct 04, 2021 6:49 pm

Chess Club secretary.
The chess club secretary gets to chess club first, on club night.
They unlock and open the club room and set up the tables and chairs.
They open the equipment cupboard and get out all the equipment.
If there is a match to be played, they will set up the chess boards and chess pieces, the board numbers, chess clocks and notation sheets.
After the match has commenced, they will organise the tea and biscuits and serve it to the players.
They will collect whatever subscriptions are required to be gathered for onward transmission to the treasurer.
They will greet visitors and help novice players settle in.
At the end of the evening, they will wash the cups and saucers and store the biscuits.
When everyone has left, they will check and put away the chess sets, chess boards, chess clocks and board numbers, in the equipment cupboard and lock it.
They will ensure that the chairs and tables are as they should be and that all litter has been collected up and disposed of.
Satisfied that the room is clean and tidy they will lock up the club room and go home.
At home, the club secretary will be on hand to take emergency calls on behalf of team captains, taking apologies for being late or absent, and relaying the message to the relevant captain. They will attend league meetings, fixtures meetings, county meetings, and will update the club tournament board.

Is this you?

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Alan Ruffle
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Re: Book-The Chess Scene

Post by Alan Ruffle » Thu Oct 27, 2022 4:58 pm

Feedback has shown that the “The Chess Scene.” Only scratches the surface of the information, that the seriously interested and supportive parents need to have.
The book falls short of the knowledge that supportive parents require. For them to meet the surprises and the difficulties in the organization and playing of the game of chess. As they follow their child around the junior chess tournament circuit. witnessing their child’s development as a chess player.
I have changed my mind about my approach in “The Chess Scene.” I am no longer planning a second book “The Chess Scene TWO.” I will simply revise and update the original. This will be a more concise effort and suitable for novice arbiters and organisers.
I invite original purchasers to make email [email protected]
Alan Ruffle

Keith Arkell
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Re: Book-The Chess Scene

Post by Keith Arkell » Thu Oct 27, 2022 5:23 pm

NickFaulks wrote:
Wed Sep 11, 2019 9:41 am
Is this the book written fifty years ago by Levy and Reuben or a different one?
I have literally just got out of a lift with David Levy, and now, seconds later, I see his name on the forum.

I had something like that recently too. Someone I hadn't spoke to for about 3 weeks send me a facebook message at exactly the same time as I sent them one. I mean literally both messages landed withing a couple of seconds of each other.

Don't, I repeat don't show this to H.J. Plaskett!

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Re: Book-The Chess Scene

Post by MJMcCready » Mon Nov 14, 2022 5:43 am

The problem...apologies, let me begin again, one of the many problems facing books such as this is they exist in the wrong format. The chess world is changing much faster than ever before and embracing our digital revolution full on. Most of what has been written will become outdated very quickly indeed. In order to address the current state of affairs, what you shouldn't be doing is trying to write a book about it, instead, start video streaming and factor in comments from subscribers.

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Alan Ruffle
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Re: Book-The Chess Scene

Post by Alan Ruffle » Mon Nov 14, 2022 11:33 am

Dear Mr. MJMcCready
Thank you for your response which is spot on. Your right but I like the idea of being an author and I like the practical feel of a book. Having received feedback, I am not writing “The Chess Scene TWO.” I am updating and Improving “The Chess Scene.”
The most notable change is that the priorities of the book are now with supportive parent’s rather than coaching for players seeking to move into the lower regions of tournament play.
The below is the dawning.
Further information for interested and supportive parents.
(Might be of interest to novice arbiters, tournament organizers and coaches.)
I was taken by surprise When a parent from “Stafford library junior chess club.” Informed me that he had entered his child into the minor section of the “Birmingham and District Chess League” Rapid play tournament.
At Stafford library junior chess club. 1100-1200 on a Saturday Morning. He was used to delivering his son to the “club.” and then taking a back seat while I scurried around supervising play and pairing his child with other young players.
The atmosphere at the club was competitive and friendly. There was a hub bub of noise that you would expect from a group of very young chess players all excitedly advising each other about their games. All of them. All at the same time.
The child in question. Was at the time one of the stronger players in the club. He won most of his games at the junior chess club and has now moved on to “Stafford Chess Club.”
The Parent had not realized that the “Birmingham and District Chess League.” Rapid play tournament. Was an adult competition and that all the rounds lasted a maximum of one hour with half of one hour between games, to allow pairings for the next round to take place. A total commitment of eight and a half hours.
I discussed this with him realizing that he had no experience on this subject.
After some thought moved on to give some more practical advice.
I suggested to the parent.
If you have a collapsible comfortable camping chair. Take it.
If you have a flask, fill it with hot water, a cup, and a tea bag. Take them
If you have other tea making facilities. Take them.
If you have a good book. Take it.
If you are an experienced camper. Take a tent-A tent. In fine weather. On a grassed area. For the seasoned camper this is heaven.
I realised that my book “The Chess Scene.” Was not as comprehensive as I thought!

Kevin Thurlow
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Re: Book-The Chess Scene

Post by Kevin Thurlow » Mon Nov 14, 2022 4:24 pm

"Your right but I like the idea of being an author and I like the practical feel of a book. "

Absolutely - I'm still recovering from being told by a young person, "Nobody has books any more."

David Sedgwick
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Re: Book-The Chess Scene

Post by David Sedgwick » Mon Nov 14, 2022 4:46 pm

Kevin Thurlow wrote:
Mon Nov 14, 2022 4:24 pm
"Your right but I like the idea of being an author and I like the practical feel of a book. "
That should be "Your (sic) right ...".

That wouldn't be picked up on video streaming.