What is the role of the Governance committee?

Debate directly related to English Chess Federation matters.
Michael Flatt
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What is the role of the Governance committee?

Post by Michael Flatt » Tue Sep 08, 2015 9:42 am

It was very kind of you to respond to Michael Farthing's post. Unfortunately that the wasn't the question uppermost in my mind.
Michael Flatt wrote:Speaking of Governance, what is the role of the Governance committee and is it effective?
Two subsidiary questions:

1. Does the existence of a standing Governance committee cast doubt on the adequacy of the Articles of Association in that that an "expert" panel is required to interpret their meaning and seek "Legal Advice" when it prevents the Board acting in a certain way?

2. If there are doubts by the Board regarding its power or that of an Individual Director to suspend another Director, shouldn't that be put to Council rather than resort to questionable and undisclosed "Legal Advice"?
Last edited by Michael Flatt on Wed Sep 09, 2015 9:04 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Michael Farthing
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Re: What is the purpose of the Governance committee?

Post by Michael Farthing » Tue Sep 08, 2015 10:15 am

The Company Secretary is a person responsible for ensuring that the statutory requirements of Company Law are complied with. These are in fact remarkably few and quite distinct from whether the company is run well or according to its internal procedures. A Company Secretary may have other duties, but these arise because he is given them by the company - not out of law.

Many of the questions where 'Company Law' is invoked cannot be decided by inspecting law at all. For instance, in deciding whether a Chief Executive can suspend a fellow director is such a case. As far as the law is concerned there is no such thing as a chief executive. The only positions a company must have are Company Secretary and Director. The role of CE (if there is one) stems from the Articles of Association.

Some of this confusion arises because there is a standard form of Articles of Association that are frequently adopted unaltered by new companies when they are set up - quite a good idea: it is a robust document that is well understood and the founders of companies are probably, and rightly, more interested in getting their good quality widgets to market at a competitive price.

The ECF, also rightly, has its own Articles of Association. It is not a widget selling profit making affair and so, unsurprisingly, it needs different Articles. Having said that, I think most of us recognise that the Articles we have leave a lot to be desired and none of us would really want to start from where we are. Sadly, however, we are where we are.

Anyway, my principle point is to Michael Flatt, that the whole business is not as simple as waiting for John Philpott to speak. There are assorted duties spread around the ECF organisation and also assorted knowledge and expertise. That knowledge and expertise needs to be able to air itself and people need to be able to carry out their roles as they see fit. It is all made much harder by the anger and personal antagonisms that are surfacing and this so easily spreads to us all - especially me - I know I can take strongly against some people and have loyalties to others based on rather slim objective information. It behoves all of us that are away from the centre to try and keep this in check (and this is not a dig at Michael, because he actually talks about these issues with feeling but without rancour). However, it is also necessary if a better system is to evolve that we do talk openly about the issues and consider ways in which things could change. That involves everyone - not just a Compant Secretary. It will probably be unpleasant and won't be good publicity. But it is needed.

John Philpott

Re: What is the role of the Governance committee?

Post by John Philpott » Tue Sep 08, 2015 10:31 am

Michael Flatt wrote
It does seem to me that having a standing Governance committee undermines the position of the Company Secretary, unless of course he happens to Chair it.
I am pleased to confirm that I do not feel in the slightest undermined by the existence of the Governance Committee.

Michael Farthing wrote
The only positions a company must have are Company Secretary and Director.
Since the Companies Act 2006 came into force, there is no legal requirement for a private company, such as the ECF, to have a Company Secretary (see section 270(1)). The ECF has one only because its Articles refer to the position.

Michael Farthing wrote
the whole business is not as simple as waiting for John Philpott to speak
There we are agreed.

Michael Flatt
Posts: 1235
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Re: What is the role of the Governance committee?

Post by Michael Flatt » Wed Sep 09, 2015 9:09 am

It was very kind of you to respond to Michael Farthing's post. Unfortunately that the wasn't the question uppermost in my mind.
Michael Flatt wrote:Speaking of Governance, what is the role of the Governance committee and is it effective?
My original question might have been better expressed as:

1. Does the existence of a standing Governance committee cast doubt on the adequacy of the Articles of Association in that an "expert" panel is required to interpret their meaning and seek "Legal Advice" when it prevents the Board acting in a certain way?

2. If there are doubts by the Board regarding its power or that of an Individual Director to suspend another Director, shouldn't that be put to Council rather than resort to questionable and undisclosed "Legal Advice"?