18 April 2009 - Finance Council Minutes

Debate directly related to English Chess Federation matters.
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Carl Hibbard
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18 April 2009 - Finance Council Minutes

Post by Carl Hibbard » Tue Sep 15, 2009 6:42 am


Minutes of the Finance Council Meeting held Saturday 18th April 2009 at the Macdonald Burlington Hotel, Burlington Arcade, 126 New Street, Birmingham B2 4JQ.

1. Welcoming Remarks by the Chief Executive Officer

The CEO, Chris Majer welcomed everyone to the meeting. As the President, Gerry Walsh was unable to attend, the first item was business was the election of a chairman for the meeting. The Board proposed Chris Majer who was duly elected.

2. Notices

2.1 Location of Attendance, Apologies and Proxy Lists

The following list gives names only. The full Attendance document recording the capacities, in which people attended, together with apologies for absence, is held in the ECF Office with the official copy of these Minutes.

M Adams (MA) D Anderton (DA) W Armstrong N Belinfante

FJ Bowers A Burrows (AB) R Collett N Dennis (ND)

K Escott A Farthing (AF) S Gilmore H Grist

R Hardy RJR Haddrell (RH) S Hewitt (SH) Cyril Johnson (CJ)

Julie Johnson* (JJ) R Kearns AT Leadbetter (ATL) CE Majer (CEM)

AC Martin (AM) P Meade M Pollard Peter Purland (PP)

JR Richmond (RR) S Reuben (SR) D Sedgwick (DS) B Smith

D R Thomas (DT) J Turnock (JT) M B A Walker D Welch

M White J Wickham (JW) PJB Wilson D Woodruff

Total: 36

* Minutes Secretary

Also present: C Carcas, S Hare, (ECF Office). In these Minutes, people may be designated by their initials as shown above.

The Chairman, CEM drew attention to the lists concerned

2.2. To note the Voting Register and any amendments thereto.

Delegates were invited to note the voting register.

2.3 The appointment of Tellers

MA and ATL duly appointed.

3. Approval and, if necessary, correction of minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Council held on 18th October 2008
3.1 Council is invited to consider and, if thought fit, approve that: "The Chairman of the meeting shall sign the minutes as being an accurate record."
The Minutes were approved without amendment and duly signed by the chairman.

4. Matters Arising from the AGM meeting not otherwise on the Agenda
CEM reported that a replacement for the Acting Director of Finance RR has been identified and introduced Michael White.

5. Report by the President
CEM stated that he wished to take the opportunity to take soundings on the role of the presidency. The three main options being:

a) Essentially the current arrangements with a split of executive responsibilities between the CEO and President, although a review of the split of responsibilities could be conducted.

b) A figurehead President with those executive responsibilities currently held by the President devolved onto the CEO. CEM expressed the view that this would mean too much work for the CEO and put too much power in one person.

c) Figurehead President with a Chairman and CEO. This would provide a degree of oversight by the Chairman on the CEO with by the former. The Chairman would chair both Council and Board meetings.

DA suggested that the Chairman should be a non-executive director with no executive functions.

JT said that the NCCU had voted for a figurehead President but was supportive of the role of a non-executive President. SH agreed. A Straw poll indicated support (14-7) for a triumvirate with a possibility of the President being elected at some time in the future.

The report from the President was accepted.

CEM expressed the need for his remarks to be treated in confidence, something that RH stated he was not prepared to abide by.
CEM informed Council that he and DA had had a meeting with Holloid and met the new team driving this project. Holloid wished to manage the publicity and thus the ECF would not be making its own announcements. Holloid will be in charge of the delivery, which would take place at the beginning of the new academic year.
DS asked for assurances on the delivery of the delivery of the chess sets. CEM stated that Holloid had now recruited a team to management the project. He had been very impressed by the new Executive Chairman. As an assurance to Council, he would stake his reputation on the success of the project and would not offer himself for re-election if the project did not go ahead.
SH thanked the Board for its efforts and wished them well in taking the matter further.

The report from the CEO was accepted.


MA started by saying he was pleased to see a replacement for RR whom he thanked for his work. He emphasised the need for financial strictures as the reserves were running down. He noted that the increase in Game Fee had not produced the expected increase in income. SH argued that League Game Fee income has reduced because of possible reduction in league activity. RR stated that he had checked this set of figures and the figures looked reasonable. CEM said that an exercise would be undertaken to see if this was the case.

It asked why the “controllers’ expenses” for 2008 were much higher than 2007 but the budget for 2009 was the same as 2007. RR explained that the ECF had acted as an agent for accommodation for players, which was a cost neutral item. The expenditure element of this was shown under controllers’ expenses. It was suggested that the presentation of this item in the accounts could be improved

The report was accepted nem con.


CEM introduced AF, the new Strategic Planning Officer to the meeting. AF explained his background in financial planning and presented the Annual Business Plan. This is one of the documents, which the DCMS wish to see on an annual basis. AF highlighted the main changes in the document as it is laid before Council. A new action “to seek to establish a requirement for a minimum of one female player per team in County competition and other events," was discussed and it was agreed that this should be amended to: "Seek to encourage increased female participation in County competition and other events."

The report was accepted nem con. CEM thanked AF for his work on the document.

RR had aimed for a balanced budget, but drastic action may be needed from his successor. The entry fee has been increased in an attempt to balance the books. The Junior Chess Budget has been amended to reflect additional sponsorship for the Schools Tournament. Further discussion took place on the figures for the Liverpool Championships. It was explained that the changes in the personnel and financing of the Capital of Culture had had an adverse effect on the Championships.

The question was asked as to why there is no contingency item in the budget. RR replied that such an adverse occurrence had only happened this once during his time in office. In reply to a question as to the realistic expectations of income from the PIF, RR replied that it was a little optimistic.

RR stated that part of the funding for the Office IT had already been spent because there had been severe IT problems at the office. SH asked why we were not looking to reduce costs in Management Services. RR replied that the Office would be needed for the ‘Chess For Schools’ programme, which could provide a massive boost in income. SH proposed an amendment to the Budget that the next costs of Management Services be reduced to £105,000. The motion was seconded by AB. The amendment was defeated 5 votes in favour 17 against.

SH asked what had happened with regard to Chess Centre Limited. RR replied that no action had been taken so far. SH reminded the meeting that the Board had been mandated to treat the Chess Centre Funds in a specific manner, which does not seem to have not been complied with. CEM commented that he did not have the previous year’s minutes to hand to check the detail of the action. He undertook to examine this matter and either implement last year’s proposal or provide a reason why this had not been done.

The motion to note the finance report was then passed nem con.


Direct Membership: ATL proposed an amendment that Full Membership should only be increased to £50 instead of £52. The amendment was defeated 6 votes in favour, 14 against. The proposals contained in the Finance Director's report was then put to the meeting and accepted with 1 vote against.

Basic Membership. JT spoke on behalf of the NCCU who were not happy with any increase in a time of economic recession. It was pointed out that to achieve this, the motion should be voted against. The proposals contained in the Finance Director's report was then put to the meeting and accepted with 3 votes against.


ATL proposed an amendment that the minimum fee be increased to £52 (to align with the DM subscription), seconded by SR. The amendment was carried 21 votes in favour 4 against. The amended motion was then passed nem con.


The Meeting agreed to note the recommendation concerning Game Fee.

13 DETERMINATION OF GAME FEE FOR 01.09.09-31.08.10

Council voted as follows for the level of Game Fee

75p 9 votes

60p 6 votes

52p 2 votes

51p 6 votes

50p 100 votes

48p 51 votes

47p 2 votes

10p 2 votes

The median of the votes cast was 50p.

As Council did not decide otherwise the rates for rapidplay play, etc follow the usual rule. RH commented that the wording on this point in the agenda was incorrect. CEM responded that the regulations as set out in the articles applied.

14 ADOPTION OF THE BUDGET FOR 01.09.09-31.08.10

Council voted to adopt the budget as presented by RR


15.1 Proposal by the Director of Home Chess: “That the Counties Championship maintains the same grading bands for 2009-2010 and reassesses them on the light of the experience in the Union Stages and brings any proposals for change to Council in 2010.”

A discussion took place on these proposals. CJ wished to take a year to look at the effects of the new grading methodology. He also outlined the history of the competition and the arbitrary nature of the original choice of bands. DS argued that the proposed bands in the SCCU amendment were broadly in line with the results of the amended methodology. It was agreed that the remaining problem was with those juniors who played relatively few games. DT was asked if he was content for the new gradings system to go ahead, to which DT replied in the affirmative. In reply to a question, CJ stated that he did not make the rules, he implemented the decisions of Council.

15.2 Counter-proposals by the SCCU: “That with effect from the 2009-10 season the ECF County Match Rules be amended as follows:

A1. Delete first sentence and replace by:

“The Championships shall be established in Divisions dependent on the grades of players; Division 1 having no upper grade limit, Division 2 under 180 grade, Division 3 under 160 grade, Division 4 under 140 grade and Division 5 under 120 grade.”

C1. Replace “Division 5 Under-100 grade” by “Division 5 under 120 grade”.

D2. Replace “Open, U175, U150, U125 and U100” by “Open, U180, U160, U140 and U120”.

E10. Replace “Division 5 Under-100 grade” by “Division 5 under 120 grade”.

The SCCU counter-proposal to was put to Council first, as it was essentially an amendment to 15.1. The voting in favour was 16, 11 against. A Card vote was 107 for the amendment, 65 against. CEM stated that as this proposal had been passed, 15.1 was deemed to have failed.

15 2.2 This proposal from the SCCU introduced a new section in the county championships as follows:

That with effect from the 2009-10 season the ECF County Match Rules be amended as follows:

A1. Replace “Division 4 under 140 grade and Division 5 under 120 grade” by “Division 4 under 140 grade, Division 5 under 120 grade and Division 6 under 100 grade.”

B3. Replace “5 Divisions” by “6 Divisions”.

C1. After “Division 5 under 120 grade” add “and Division 6 under 100 grade”.

D2. Replace “U140 and U120” by “U140, U120 and U100”.

E10. After “Division 5 under 120 grade” add “and Division 6 under 100 grade”

Currently only the SCCU has such a competition. It was pointed out that this could be run as an experiment next season and discontinued if there is insufficient interest. The motion was carried with one vote against.

15.3 Paper from the EACU: CEM commented that the EACU paper had been received after the deadline for proposals. DT was asked how many players would still have negative grades after the implementation of new grades. DT responded that he did not have the information to hand, but the number would be small for standard grades. The Board was asked to take on the new grades for other ECF events.

Council then noted the EACU paper.


CEM reminded the Council delegates that the AGM will be held in London; the venue is still to be confirmed.

17 AOB

SR pointed out that from 1st July, the default time for FIDE rated event is zero unless it is explicitly stated otherwise in the rules. In reply to a question from DS, SR stated that the default times in the British Championships would be 30 minutes for standard play events and 10 minutes for rapidplay events.

The meeting closed at 5:50 pm.
Carl Hibbard

John Philpott

Re: 18 April 2009 - Finance Council Minutes

Post by John Philpott » Tue Sep 15, 2009 8:43 am

Please note that this is a draft of the minutes from a few months ago, and that a slightly tweaked version will be circulated with the AGM papers. At least I hope that my suggestion that Cyril Johnson should not be described in item 15 as "the Directory of Home Chess" is taken on board!

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Carl Hibbard
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Re: 18 April 2009 - Finance Council Minutes

Post by Carl Hibbard » Tue Sep 15, 2009 8:53 am

John Philpott wrote:Please note that this is a draft of the minutes from a few months ago, and that a slightly tweaked version will be circulated with the AGM papers. At least I hope that my suggestion that Cyril Johnson should not be described in item 15 as "the Directory of Home Chess" is taken on board!
I have corrected that John and will re-post the minutes as soon as I get (or you can supply) a proper one....
Carl Hibbard

John Philpott

Re: 18 April 2009 - (DRAFT) Finance Council Minutes

Post by John Philpott » Tue Sep 15, 2009 10:20 am

Minor changes are still being made to the draft minutes, but I would expect the final version for the mailing (which Council, of course, still has the right to amend) to be arrived at within the next couple of days, and for the ECF website text to be updated at that stage.

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John Upham
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Re: 18 April 2009 - Finance Council Minutes

Post by John Upham » Tue Sep 15, 2009 10:40 am

John Philpott wrote:my suggestion that Cyril Johnson should not be described in item 15 as "the Directory of Home Chess"
Do you have a more suitable description?
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Carl Hibbard
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Re: 18 April 2009 - Finance Council Minutes

Post by Carl Hibbard » Tue Sep 15, 2009 10:48 am

John Upham wrote:
John Philpott wrote:my suggestion that Cyril Johnson should not be described in item 15 as "the Directory of Home Chess"
Do you have a more suitable description?
This helps to the sensible debate then does it John :roll:
Carl Hibbard

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John Upham
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Re: 18 April 2009 - Finance Council Minutes

Post by John Upham » Tue Sep 15, 2009 10:58 am

Carl Hibbard wrote:
John Upham wrote:
John Philpott wrote:my suggestion that Cyril Johnson should not be described in item 15 as "the Directory of Home Chess"
Do you have a more suitable description?
This helps to the sensible debate then does it John :roll:

It helps me and those who have pm'd me!
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Neill Cooper
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Re: 18 April 2009 - (DRAFT) Finance Council Minutes

Post by Neill Cooper » Tue Sep 15, 2009 9:42 pm

CEM expressed the need for his remarks to be treated in confidence, something that RH stated he was not prepared to abide by.
CEM informed Council that he and DA had had a meeting with Holloid and met the new team driving this project. Holloid wished to manage the publicity and thus the ECF would not be making its own announcements. Holloid will be in charge of the delivery, which would take place at the beginning of the new academic year.
DS asked for assurances on the delivery of the delivery of the chess sets. CEM stated that Holloid had now recruited a team to management the project. He had been very impressed by the new Executive Chairman. As an assurance to Council, he would stake his reputation on the success of the project and would not offer himself for re-election if the project did not go ahead.
SH thanked the Board for its efforts and wished them well in taking the matter further.
I hope that CEM will be making a clear and public statement as to the status of the project at or before the council meeting.

John Philpott

Re: 18 April 2009 - (DRAFT) Finance Council Minutes

Post by John Philpott » Sat Sep 19, 2009 11:06 pm

The version of the minutes to the circulated with the AGM papers has now been finalised, and I would anticipate that this will replace the earlier draft on the ECF website on Monday.

I am currently expecting all the remaining Council papers for both the ECF and BCF meetings to be uploaded on the website towards the end of next week.

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Carl Hibbard
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Re: 18 April 2009 - (DRAFT) Finance Council Minutes

Post by Carl Hibbard » Mon Sep 21, 2009 3:32 pm

Minutes of the Finance Council Meeting held Saturday 18th April 2009 at the Macdonald Burlington Hotel, Burlington Arcade, 126 New Street, Birmingham B2 4JQ.

1. Welcoming Remarks by the Chief Executive Officer
The CEO, Chris Majer welcomed everyone to the meeting. As the President, Gerry Walsh was unable to attend, the first item of business was the election of a chairman for the meeting. The Board proposed Chris Majer who was duly elected.

2. Notices
2.1 Location of Attendance, Apologies and Proxy Lists
The following list gives names only. The full Attendance document recording the capacities, in which people attended, together with apologies for absence, is held in the ECF Office with the official copy of these Minutes.
M Adams (MA) D Anderton (DA) W Armstrong N Belinfante
FJ Bowers A Burrows (AB) R Collett N Dennis (ND)
K Escott S Gilmore H Grist R Hardy
RJ Haddrell (RH) S Hewitt (SH) C Johnson (CJ) J Johnson* (JJ)
R Kearns AT Leadbetter (ATL) CE Majer (CEM) AC Martin (AM)
P Meade M Pollard P Purland (PP) R Richmond (RR)
S Reuben (SR) D Sedgwick (DS) B Smith DR Thomas (DT)
J Turnock (JT) MBA Walker D Welch J Wickham (JW)
PJB Wilson D Woodruff
Total: 34
* Minutes Secretary
Also present: C Carcas and S Hare (ECF Office), A Farthing (AF) and M White. In these Minutes, people may be designated by their initials as shown above.
The Chairman, CEM drew attention to the lists concerned
2.2. To note the Voting Register and any amendments thereto.
Delegates were invited to note the voting register.
2.3 The appointment of Tellers
MA and ATL duly appointed.

3. Approval and, if necessary, correction of minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Council held on 18th October 2008
3.1 Council is invited to consider and, if thought fit, approve that: "The Chairman of the meeting shall sign the minutes as being an accurate record."
The Minutes were approved without amendment and duly signed by the chairman.

4. Matters Arising from the AGM meeting not otherwise on the Agenda
CEM reported that a replacement for the Acting Director of Finance RR has been identified and introduced Michael White.

5. Report by the President
CEM stated that he wished to take the opportunity to take soundings on the role of the presidency. The three main options were:
a) Essentially the current arrangements with a split of executive responsibilities between the CEO and President, although a review of the split of responsibilities could be conducted.
b) A figurehead President with those executive responsibilities currently held by the President devolved onto the CEO. CEM expressed the view that this would mean too much work for the CEO and put too much power in one person.
c) Figurehead President with a Chairman and CEO. This would provide a degree of oversight by the Chairman on the CEO with by the former. The Chairman would chair both Council and Board meetings.
DA suggested that the Chairman should be a non-executive director with no executive functions.
JT said that the NCCU had voted for a figurehead President but was supportive of the role of a non-executive President. SH agreed. A straw poll indicated support (14-7) for a triumvirate with a possibility of the President being elected at some time in the future.
The report from the President was accepted.

CEM expressed the need for his remarks to be treated in confidence, something that RH stated he was not prepared to abide by.
CEM informed Council that he and DA had had a meeting with Holloid and met the new team driving this project. Holloid wished to manage the publicity and thus the ECF would not be making its own announcements. Holloid will be in charge of the delivery, which would take place at the beginning of the new academic year.
DS asked for assurances on the delivery of the delivery of the chess sets. CEM stated that Holloid had now recruited a team to management the project. He had been very impressed by the new Executive Chairman. As an assurance to Council, he would stake his reputation on the success of the project and would not offer himself for re-election if the project did not go ahead.
SH thanked the Board for its efforts and wished them well in taking the matter further.
The report from the CEO was accepted.

MA started by saying he was pleased to see a replacement for RR whom he thanked for his work. He emphasised the need for financial strictures as the reserves were running down. He noted that the increase in Game Fee had not produced the expected increase in income. SH argued that League Game Fee income has reduced because of possible reduction in league activity. RR stated that he had checked this set of figures and the figures looked reasonable. CEM said that an exercise would be undertaken to see if this was the case.
It asked why the “controllers’ expenses” for 2008 were much higher than 2007 but the budget for 2009 was the same as 2007. RR explained that the ECF had acted as an agent for accommodation for players, which was a cost neutral item. The expenditure element of this was shown under controllers’ expenses. It was suggested that the presentation of this item in the accounts could be improved
The report was accepted nem con.

CEM introduced AF, the new Strategic Planning Officer to the meeting. AF explained his background in financial planning and presented the Annual Business Plan. This is one of the documents, which the DCMS wish to see on an annual basis. AF highlighted the main changes in the document as it is laid before Council. A new action “Seek to establish a requirement for a minimum of one female player per team in County competition and other events," was discussed and it was agreed that this should be amended to: "Seek to encourage increased female participation in County competition and other events."
The report was accepted nem con. CEM thanked AF for his work on the document.

RR had aimed for a balanced budget, but drastic action may be needed from his successor. The entry fee has been increased in an attempt to balance the books. The Junior Chess Budget has been amended to reflect additional sponsorship for the Schools Tournament. Further discussion took place on the figures for the Liverpool Championships. It was explained that the changes in the personnel and financing of the Capital of Culture had had an adverse effect on the Championships.
The question was asked as to why there is no contingency item in the budget. RR replied that such an adverse occurrence had only happened this once during his time in office. In reply to a question as to the realistic expectations of income from the PIF, RR replied that it was a little optimistic.
RR stated that part of the funding for the Office IT had already been spent because there had been severe IT problems at the office. SH asked why we were not looking to reduce costs in Management Services. RR replied that the Office would be needed for the ‘Chess For Schools’ programme, which could provide a massive boost in income. SH proposed an amendment to the Budget that the net costs of Management Services be reduced to £105,000. The motion was seconded by AB. The amendment was defeated 5 votes in favour 17 against.
SH asked what had happened with regard to Chess Centre Limited. RR replied that no action had been taken so far. SH reminded the meeting that the Board had been mandated to treat the Chess Centre Funds in a specific manner, which does not seem to have not been complied with. AM stated that Chess Centre Limited is independent of the ECF. The Directors of CCL now think that it is preferable to leave the money in CCL to be invested with the advice of the Trustees of the PIF. CEM commented that he did not have the previous year’s minutes to hand to check the detail of the action. He undertook to examine this matter and either implement last year’s proposal or provide a reason why this had not been done.
The motion to note the finance report was then passed nem con.

Direct Membership: ATL proposed an amendment that Full Membership should only be increased to £50 instead of £52. The amendment was defeated 6 votes in favour, 14 against. The proposals contained in the Finance Director's report was then put to the meeting and accepted with 1 vote against.
Basic Membership. JT spoke on behalf of the NCCU who were not happy with any increase in a time of economic recession. It was pointed out that to achieve this, the motion should be voted against. The proposals contained in the Finance Director's report “that Subscriptions for the period 1st Sept 2009 to 31st August 2010 (including those for juniors) rise by 0.50p”was then put to the meeting and accepted with 3 votes against.

ATL proposed an amendment that the minimum fee be increased to £52 (to align with the DM subscription), seconded by SR. The amendment was carried 21 votes in favour 4 against. The amended motion was then passed nem con.

The Meeting agreed to note the recommendation concerning Game Fee.

13 DETERMINATION OF GAME FEE FOR 01.09.09-31.08.10
Council voted as follows for the level of Game Fee
75p 9 votes
60p 6 votes
52p 2 votes
51p 6 votes
50p 100 votes
48p 51 votes
47p 2 votes
10p 2 votes
The median of the votes cast was 50p.
As Council did not decide otherwise the rates for rapidplay play, etc follow the usual rule. RH commented that the wording on this point in the agenda was incorrect. CEM responded that the regulations as set out in the articles applied.

14 ADOPTION OF THE BUDGET FOR 01.09.09-31.08.10
Council voted to adopt the budget as presented by RR

15.1 Proposal by the Director of Home Chess: “That the Counties Championship maintains the same grading bands for 2009-2010 and reassesses them on the light of the experience in the Union Stages and brings any proposals for change to Council in 2010.”
A discussion took place on these proposals. CJ wished to take a year to look at the effects of the new grading methodology. He also outlined the history of the competition and the arbitrary nature of the original choice of bands. DS argued that the proposed bands in the SCCU amendment were broadly in line with the results of the amended methodology. It was agreed that the remaining problem was with those juniors who played relatively few games. DT was asked if he was content for the new gradings system to go ahead, to which DT replied in the affirmative. In reply to a question, CJ stated that he did not make the rules, he implemented the decisions of Council.
15.2.1 Counter-proposals by the SCCU: “That with effect from the 2009-10 season the ECF County Match Rules be amended as follows:
A1. Delete first sentence and replace by:
“The Championships shall be established in Divisions dependent on the grades of players; Division 1 having no upper grade limit, Division 2 under 180 grade, Division 3 under 160 grade, Division 4 under 140 grade and Division 5 under 120 grade.”
C1. Replace “Division 5 Under-100 grade” by “Division 5 under 120 grade”.
D2. Replace “Open, U175, U150, U125 and U100” by “Open, U180, U160, U140 and U120”.
E10. Replace “Division 5 Under-100 grade” by “Division 5 under 120 grade”.
The SCCU counter-proposal to was put to Council first, as it was essentially an amendment to 15.1. The voting in favour was 16, 11 against. A Card vote was 107 for the amendment, 65 against. CEM stated that as this proposal had been passed, 15.1 was deemed to have failed.
15.2.2 This proposal from the SCCU introduced a new section in the county championships as follows:
That with effect from the 2009-10 season the ECF County Match Rules be amended as follows:
A1. Replace “Division 4 under 140 grade and Division 5 under 120 grade” by “Division 4 under 140 grade, Division 5 under 120 grade and Division 6 under 100 grade.”
B3. Replace “5 Divisions” by “6 Divisions”.
C1. After “Division 5 under 120 grade” add “and Division 6 under 100 grade”.
D2. Replace “U140 and U120” by “U140, U120 and U100”.
E10. After “Division 5 under 120 grade” add “and Division 6 under 100 grade”
Currently only the SCCU has such a competition. It was pointed out that this could be run as an experiment next season and discontinued if there is insufficient interest. The motion was carried with one vote against.
15.3 Paper from the EACU: CEM commented that the EACU paper had been received after the deadline for proposals. DT was asked how many players would still have negative grades after the implementation of new grades. DT responded that he did not have the information to hand, but the number would be small for standard grades. The Board was asked to take on the new grades for other ECF events.
Council then noted the EACU paper.

CEM reminded the Council delegates that the AGM will be held in London; the venue is still to be confirmed.

17 AOB
SR pointed out that from 1st July, the default time for FIDE rated event is zero unless it is explicitly stated otherwise in the rules. In reply to a question from DS, SR stated that the default times in the British Championships would be 30 minutes for standard play events and 10 minutes for rapidplay events.

The meeting closed at 5.50 pm.
Carl Hibbard

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Carl Hibbard
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Re: 18 April 2009 - Finance Council Minutes

Post by Carl Hibbard » Mon Sep 21, 2009 3:34 pm

Amended minutes are upload above - some changes, in particular extra CCL information in section 9:-

AM stated that Chess Centre Limited is independent of the ECF. The Directors of CCL now think that it is preferable to leave the money in CCL to be invested with the advice of the Trustees of the PIF.
Last edited by Carl Hibbard on Mon Sep 21, 2009 3:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Extra information highlighted
Carl Hibbard

Roger de Coverly
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Re: 18 April 2009 - Finance Council Minutes

Post by Roger de Coverly » Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:12 am

Carl Hibbard wrote:AM stated that Chess Centre Limited is independent of the ECF
That is what the row is all about. In the days of the BCF, all the reporting indicated that the Permanent Invested Fund and hence Chess Centre Limited "belonged" to the BCF.

The chess community was led to believe that the ECF had inherited the assets and liabilities of the BCF which would include the PIF and CCL. It is now asserted this isn't so. Isn't this an issue for the Governance and Finance Committees to resolve sooner rather than later? Particularly if the BCF still "owns" around two hundred thousand pounds in assets, it means the BCF AGM should be given rather more attention than the 10 minutes that reports suggest.

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Carl Hibbard
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Re: 18 April 2009 - Finance Council Minutes

Post by Carl Hibbard » Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:28 am

Roger de Coverly wrote:
Carl Hibbard wrote:AM stated that Chess Centre Limited is independent of the ECF
That is what the row is all about. In the days of the BCF, all the reporting indicated that the Permanent Invested Fund and hence Chess Centre Limited "belonged" to the BCF.

The chess community was led to believe that the ECF had inherited the assets and liabilities of the BCF which would include the PIF and CCL. It is now asserted this isn't so. Isn't this an issue for the Governance and Finance Committees to resolve sooner rather than later? Particularly if the BCF still "owns" around two hundred thousand pounds in assets, it means the BCF AGM should be given rather more attention than the 10 minutes that reports suggest.
But was this information pointed out at the meeting (after Sean's question at the time...) or is this extra level of detail just a point that has been added afterwards?
Carl Hibbard

Kevin Thurlow
Posts: 5839
Joined: Wed Apr 30, 2008 12:28 pm

Re: 18 April 2009 - Finance Council Minutes

Post by Kevin Thurlow » Tue Sep 22, 2009 12:28 pm

MA started by saying he was pleased to see a replacement for RR whom he thanked for his work."

I bet he was pleased... At a Surrey meeting (discussing who to support at the elections) a couple of years ago Mike Adams launched into a diatribe against Robert Richmond for resigning his post the previous year and how terrible this was. I pointed out that I believed RR had had good reasons for resigning and perhaps we should discuss them. Apparently this wasn't a good idea. I also pointed out that it was a bit unfair to launch a personal attack like this, when most of the people at the meeting had no idea who the individuals were. The Chairman of the meeting seemed to agree. I did idly wonder how MA and RR managed to work together after that!

Still, as with the PIF, these things do make finance exciting.
"Kevin was the arbiter and was very patient. " Nick Grey

Matthew Turner
Posts: 3604
Joined: Fri May 16, 2008 11:54 am

Re: 18 April 2009 - Finance Council Minutes

Post by Matthew Turner » Tue Sep 22, 2009 12:47 pm

One gets the feeling that the finance council is rather like arranging seating on the Titanic. Does it really matter if funds are in CCL or PIF? Does it really matter if game fee is 48p, 50p or 52p? Does it really matter if the boundaries for the Counties' Championships is 135 or 140?
Could we perhaps address some real problems like
1. The ECF cannot do anything, because all the money is spent on the Office
2. There are no free chess sets for schools
and if we have time,
3. We haven't had a Finance Director for ages