Anyone for looking up a game from 1962?

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Paolo Casaschi
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Anyone for looking up a game from 1962?

Post by Paolo Casaschi » Mon Oct 03, 2011 8:32 pm

Does anyone have year 1962 of BCM or CHESS?
Would you mind looking up this game?
A friend is interested in the full game score.

The tournament is logged into britbase, but without any games:

Thanks in advance.

[Site "Bognor Regis"]
[Date "1962"]
[White "Evans, Larry"]
[Black "Karaklajic, Nikola"]
[Result "0-1"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "3b3r/pp2q1k1/6p1/3p1pPp/2pPrP1K/P1P1P3/1P1BR3/4R1Q1 b - - 0 1"]

1... Qxg5+ 2. Qxg5 Bxg5+ 3. Kxg5 h4 0-1

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John Saunders
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Re: Anyone for looking up a game from 1962?

Post by John Saunders » Tue Oct 04, 2011 1:26 am

This game was not played by Larry Evans (who, from memory, only played in England once or perhaps twice) but by W Evans of Chorleywood, whom I remember as an old codger who used to turn out for Bucks in the 1960s, always hunched over the board and with a fag dangling from his lips. Quite a strong and aggressive amateur player as I recall. Roger de Coverly (a Bucks county player of slightly older vintage than me) may remember more about him.

CHESS, May 1962, page 243, shows that it was played on 26 April 1962 in the second round of the Stevenson Memorial, Bognor Regis, lasted 54 moves and started with a Stonewall Attack. "Evans, left with a hopelessly bad bishop from his Stonewall Attack, went down to a clever sacrifice in the ending." However, it does not have all the moves of the game (BCM has no info on this game). The position is given on page 247 of the same issue of CHESS as part of a 'Winning Combinative Play' feature. However, the solution given in the mag says that in the game White actually played on with 3 Kh3 rather than obligingly falling into the mating net. So that's two errors by whoever has entered this game on a database.
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Paolo Casaschi
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Re: Anyone for looking up a game from 1962?

Post by Paolo Casaschi » Tue Oct 04, 2011 11:18 am

John Saunders wrote:This game was not played by Larry Evans ... that's two errors by whoever has entered this game on a database.
Thanks for looking this up, for the corrections and the info shared.